Springer has completed 175 years of a long journey starting from a bookstore and has emerged as a leading publishing house globally. Springer has been an integral part of Springer Nature that has continued supporting millions of researchers.
A group of 10 member delegation of prominent professors and researcher from the La Trobe University Australia is teaming up with Lovely Professional University (LPU). The delegates urge to focus more on strengthening student mobility programs between the two universities. Both the universities have previously participated in enhancing scholarly research before. The group of delegation […]
In 2020, during the global lockdowns imposed to combat COVID-19, a significant number of people observed wild animals appearing in unexpected places. To understand the impact of reduced human activity on animal behavior, the COVID-19 Bio-Logging Initiative was formed, utilizing bio-logging devices to track animal movements. Research findings published in Science reveal that large land […]
It was a common trend for students who study at foreign universities to prefer staying overseas, but evidence now points to a reversal of this trend. Five years ago, government figures showed that Chinese graduates with American PhDs still lived in the United States five years after graduation. In comparison, 2016 witnessed a 56.95% growth […]