Scientific writing is challenging and a time taking process that demands’ dedication and perseverance. It’s not a one-day job and needs planning and continuously updated information on the research question.

- Quality writing is a mandate for scientific publication
The focus or research question of the work should be clear without any confusion. The research question should be based on the area of interest and must represent quality work support by ample scientific evidence.
- Compact and objective TITLE
The title should reciprocate the overview of the paper in a concise manner. It should be not very clumsy or complicated and without any slags. The title should be eye catchy and easy to comprehend.
- Editing and review of Manuscript
The proofreading and editing for spell check and appropriate grammatically correct scientific language is a prerequisite for quality articles.
- Peer Review of Manuscript
Peers can assist in 1st round of review of the manuscript prior to submission in any journal. Fellow researchers, group leaders, friends, and family can render necessary support to highlight the flaws or any needed improvisation in terms of language, content flow, and appropriate compiling of facts for a narration of the scientific story. The peer group also can evaluate the “Manuscript’s reader holding capacity”.
- Selection of appropriate journal
Its utmost importance that the aims and scope of the journal should sync with the research work for a successful publication. The impact factor range along with the intended journals should be listed by the author. Furthermore, the needed road map in terms of documentation and compatibility of a manuscript as per journal guild lines should be preplanned.
- A clear overview of the submission process
Very often the submission process is via an online portal. However, at times it occurs via authentic email Id. Also, figure files may be uploaded within the text or have to be uploaded individually at times. Therefore, a compilation of needed documents such as cover letter, title page, and separate supplementary files should be arranged before being handed.
- Marketing of your manuscript
In this tech-oriented era, readily accessibility to your work in the public domain is needed to be in the limelight. Research gates, LinkedIn, word press are some websites along with your own customized site that can give your scientific career the needed boost.