Obesity is, nowadays, a global public health problem with about 315 million people involved. Numerous conditions, include hypertension, congestive heart failure, angina pectoris, hyperlipidemia, cancer, osteoarthritis, respiratory issues, renal vein thrombosis, and decreased fertility, are all at risk due to obesity.

The increased availability of high-fat, energy-dense foods is one of the primary causes of obesity. Nutraceuticals are being investigated as potential treatments for obesity and weight management.Nutraceutical interventions are currently being investigated on a large-scale basis as potential treatments for obesity and weight management. Nutraceuticals such as capsaicin conjugated linoleic acid, Momordica charantia and Psyllium fiber possess potential antiobese properties
Researchers are seeking the help of nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals to prevent or treat obesity. Herbal stimulants such as caffeine, ephedrine, chitosan, ma huang-guarana, and green tea extract are effective in facilitating body weight loss.