The American Chemical Society’s (ACS’) Publications Division, a Society program that offers free public access to published research based on recommendations by the scientific editors of ACS journals, accomplished a significant step on December 14, 2017 by surpassing 100 million full-text journal article downloads during the calendar year. This sets a new global usage record for the 51 peer-reviewed ACS journals, which publishes researches in chemistry and allied fields. The 100-millionth download happened after a reader accessed a 2015 peer-reviewed article published in the journal ACS Nano. The winning versatile novel research, titled “Trans-Blood Brain Barrier Delivery of Dopamine-Loaded Nanoparticles Reverses Functional Deficits in Parkinsonian Rats,” co-authored by Seth, Chaturvedi, Gupta and colleagues has earned more than 30 citations and nearly 7,000 article views.
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